Sunday, May 31, 2009
'Mid Snow and Ice
Psallite Sapienter in Christchurch
Pentecost Sunday
Act of Consecration to the Holy SpiritO HOLY SPIRIT, Divine Spirit of light and love, I consecrate to Thee my understanding, heart and will, my whole being for time and eternity. May my understanding be always submissive to Thy heavenly inspirations, and to the teaching of the Catholic Church, of which Thou art the infallible Guide; may my heart be ever inflamed with love of God and of my neighbour, may my will be ever conformed to the Divine Will, and may my whole life be a faithful imitation of the life and virtues of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father and Thee be honour and glory forever. Amen.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Church of the Good Shepherd, Tekapo
Vigil of Pentecost
Friday, May 29, 2009
At the Hermitage
To Suffer, Not to Die
Thursday, May 28, 2009
St Augustine of Canterbury
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hole and Corner Mass
St Bede

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Down South
Amare Nescivi
Happy Feast of St Philip Neri
St. Philip, inflamed with the love of God and a desire of praising him worthily, after offering him all the affections of his soul, and the homages of all his creatures, seeing in their poverty and inability nothing equal to his infinite greatness, comforted himself in finding in the Mass a means of glorifying him by a victim worthy of himself. This he offered to him with inexpressible joy, devotion, and humility, to praise and honor his holy name, to be a sacrifice of perfect thanksgiving for his infinite benefits, of expiation for sin, and of impetration to obtain all graces. Hence in this sacrifice he satiated the ardent desires of his zeal, and found such an excess of overflowing love and sweetness in the closest union of his soul with his divine Redeemer.
Monday, May 25, 2009
F.S.S.P. Mass at Christchurch Cathedral
Take the Bl Sacrament Chapel: nasty carpet, secular chairs, a plain table for altar - but the tabernacle behind is quite fine. As I arrived, having walked over from my hotel, the server was putting the candlesticks and altarcards on the altar, and a crucifix above the tabernacle... soon enough Fr Rizzo came in to celebrate Mass, a dialogue Mass (no Third Confiteor, but still the pre-'62 custom of the people kneeling throughout except for standing for the Gospels and sitting for the Offertory).
To-day being the feast of that reforming Pope Gregory VII, who endured much in order to cleanse the filth from the lives of the clergy in his day, Fr Rizzo preached on the indefectibility and holiness of the Church, and the contrast between this and the foibles of her sinful members - as many have said, the great proof of her divine origin is that, despite the dreadful people that have had authority in her, she has lasted down the centuries and shall endure until the end of time. So too, in our own lives, being fallen men yet stamped with the seal of the Trinity in baptism, we sorrow at our human faults but trust in the Lord's grace which gives us hope for heaven.
After Mass, I had a quick word with Fr Rizzo in the sacristy: he's in fine form as always, ever so cheerful, sincere, unassuming and friendly - evidently his congregation love him. I hope to see him back here in Christchurch come Saturday evening, at his Vigil Mass. (Returning to my hotel for breakfast, I found Fr Rizzo on the front page of the newspaper! Apparently he had to conduct a funeral in very sad circumstances - the deceased having been involved in a murder-suicide, the estranged wife hoping for their son to attend, but the son himself being a fugitive on suspicion of crimes - and the police rather traumatized matters by appearing in great force at the very church and graveside, to the distress of the mourners.)
Novena to St Philip Neri: 9th Day
Sunday, May 24, 2009
F.Ss.R in Christchurch
Canterbury Tales
Deo gratias
Novena to St Philip Neri: 8th Day
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Let us journey to the Father
Having heard early Mass at Carmel (one can never tell if one's Communion will be viaticum - flying always reminds me of the Last Things), I was blessed to hear a good sermon: as Our Lord says, Whatsoever you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant - we usually take this with ifs and buts and turn the quotation into a pretext for a disputation on Providence, etc.: instead, hear and heed this, and put it into effect by praying to the Father in Christ's Name, for indeed we have a marvellous God Who promises to hear and answer our petitions.
At the end of Mass, the celebrant somewhat oddly, but rather pointedly, told us to continue our journey to the Father: and this is our hope, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Novena to St Philip Neri: 7th Day
Friday, May 22, 2009
Some Hymns for Ascensiontide
- "Rejoice the Lord is King" (Chas Wesley, 1744), to Darwall's 148th;
- "The Head that once was crowned with thorns" (Thos Kelly, 1820);
- "Hail the day that sees Him rise" (Chas Wesley, 1742).
Novena to St Philip Neri: 6th Day
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ascensiontide Magnificat Antiphon
O Rex gloriæ, Domine virtutum, qui triumphator hodie super omnes cælos ascendisti, ne derelinquas nos orphanos: sed mitte promissum Patris in nos, Spiritum veritatis, alleluja.(O King of glory, Lord of powers, Who as One triumphant this day ascended above all the heavens, leave us not orphans: but send the promise of the Father into us, the Spirit of truth, alleluia.)
Ascensiontide Doxology
Jam Ascendit
Regina cæli, lætare, alleluja:Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluja:Jam ascendit, sicut dixit, alleluja:Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluja.V/. Gaude et lætare, Virgo Maria, alleluja.R/. Quia ascendit Dominus vere, alleluja.Oremus.Deus, qui nos Resurrectionis et Ascensionis Dominicæ solemnia celebrare fecisti: da famulis tuis, ut et advenientis Spiritus sancti gratiam purificatis mentibus suscipere mereamur. Per eumdem Dominum... in unitate ejusdem Spiritus...(God, Who hast made us to celebrate the solemnities of the Lord's Resurrection and Ascension: give unto Thy servants that we may also deserve to receive with pure minds the grace of the promised Holy Spirit. Through the same our Lord... in the unity of the same Holy Spirit...)
Novena to St Philip Neri: 5th Day
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
To an Unknown God
Novena to St Philip Neri: 4th Day
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A Confession and a Misprint
Novena to St Philip Neri: 3rd Day
Monday, May 18, 2009
Rogation Monday
Novena to St Philip Neri: 2nd Day
Deus, qui hunc diem beati Venantii Martyris tui triumpho consecrasti: exaudi preces populi tui, et praesta; ut qui ejus merita veneramur, fidei constantiam imitemur. Per...
(God, Who hast consecrated this day to the triumph of blessed Venantius Thy Martyr: hear the prayers of Thy people, and grant, that we who revere his merits, may imitate the constancy of his faith. Through...)
Matins Hymn
Athleta Christi nobilis
Idola damnat gentium,
Deique amore saucius
Vitae pericla despicit.
Loris revinctus asperis,
E rupe praeceps volvitur:
Spineta vultum lancinant:
Per saxa corpus scinditur.
Dum membra raptant martyris,
Languent siti satellites:
Signo crucis Venantius
E rupe fontes elicit.
Bellator o fortissime,
Qui perfidis tortoribus
E caute praebes poculum,
Nos rore gratiae irriga.
Sit laus Patri, sit Filio,
Tibique sancte Spiritus:
Da per preces Venantii
Beata nobis gaudia. Amen.Noble champion of the Lord!
Armed against idolatry!
In thy fervent zeal for God
Death had naught of fear for thee.
Bound with thongs, thy youthful form
Down the rugged steep they tear,
Jagged rock and rending thorn
All thy tender flesh lay bare.
Spent with toil, the savage crew,
Fainting, sinks with deadly thirst;
Thou the cross dost sign; and lo!From the rock the waters burst.
Saintly warrior-prince! who thus
thy tormentors couldst forgive;
Pour the dew of grace on us,
Bid our fainting spirits live.
To thee, O Father, with the Son
And Holy Spirit, glory be;
Oh, grant us through thy martyr's prayer
The joys of immortality. Amen.Lauds Hymn
Dum nocte pulsa lucifer
Diem propinquam nuntiat,
Nobis refert Venantius
Lucis beatae munera.
Nam criminum caliginem,
Stygisque noctem depulit,
Veroque cives lumine
Divinitatis imbuit.
Aquis sacri baptismatis
Lustravit ille patriam:
Quos tinxit unda milites,
In astra misit martyres.
Nunc angelorum particeps,
Adesto votis supplicum:
Procul repelle crimina,
Tuumque lumen ingere.
Sit laus Patri, sit Filio,
Tibique sancte Spiritus:
Da per preces Venantii
Beata nobis gaudia. Amen.The golden star of morn
Is climbing in the sky;
The birthday of Venantius
Awakes the Church to joy.
His native land in depths
Of pagan darkness lay;
He o'er her guilty regions poured
The light of heavenly day.
Her in baptismal streams
Of grace he purified;
E'en those who came to take his life,
With him as martyrs died.
With the angels now he shares
Those joys which never cease;
Look down on us, O Spirit blest,
And send us gifts of peace.
Praise to the Father, Son,
And, Holy Ghost, to thee,
Oh, grant us through thy martyr's prayer
A blest eternity. Amen.Vespers HymnMartyr Dei Venantius,
Lux et decus Camertium,
Tortore victo et judice,
Laetus truimphum concinit.
Annis puer, post vincula,
Post carceres, post verbera,
Longa fame frementibus
Cibus datur leonibus.
Sed ejus innocentiae
Parcit leonum immanitas,
Pedesque lambunt martyris,
Irae famisque immemores.
Verso deorsum vertice
Haurire fumum cogitur:
Costas utrimque et viscera
Succensa lampas ustulat.
Sit laus Patri, sit Filio,
Tibique sancte Spiritus:
Da per preces Venantii
Beata nobis gaudia. Amen.Venantius, hail! God's martyr bright,
thy country's honour and her light;
Who didst with joy thy triumph sing,
thy judge and tortures conquering.
A child in years, he heeds no pain,
Nor dungeon damp, nor galling chain;
The tender youth for food is thrown
To lions, mad with hunger grown.
O wondrous sight! the beasts of prey
Their food reject, and turn away;
Then tamely lick the martyr's feet,
A tribute to his virtue meet.
Then downwards hung, his mouth exposed
To clouds of smoke beneath disposed,
Whilst with slow torches, burning clear,
His naked breasts and sides they sear.
Praise to the Father, and the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One;
Oh! grant that through this martyr's prayer,
Your blissful joy we all may share. Amen.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Request for Prayers
Psalm 27(26) Dominus illuminatio
1 The Lord is my light and my help;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
before whom shall I shrink?
2 When evil-doers draw near
to devour my flesh,
it is they, my enemies and foes,
who stumble and fall.
3 Though an army encamp against me
my heart would not fear.
Though war break out against me
even then would I trust.
4 There is one thing I ask of the Lord,
for this I long,
to live in the house of the Lord,
all the days of my life,
to savor the sweetness of the Lord,
to behold his temple.
5 For there he keeps me safe in his tent
in the day of evil.
He hides me in the shelter of his tent,
on a rock he sets me safe.
6 And now my head shall be raised
above my foes who surround me
and I shall offer within his tent
a sacrifice of joy.
I will sing and make music for the Lord.
7 O Lord, hear my voice when I call;
have mercy and answer.
8 Of you my heart has spoken:
"Seek his face."
It is your face, O Lord, that I seek;
9 hide not your face.
Dismiss not your servant in anger;
you have been my help.
Do not abandon or forsake me,
O God my help!
10 Though father and mother forsake me,
the Lord will receive me.
11 Instruct me, Lord, in your way;
on an even path lead me.
12 When they lie in ambush protect me
from my enemy's greed.
False witnesses rise against me,
breathing out fury.
13 I am sure I shall see the Lord's goodness
in the land of the living.
14 Hope in him, hold firm and take heart.
Hope in the Lord!