In the Dominican Breviary, he is celebrated to-day, the 13th of July, as a Memory at Lauds; the Collect is instructive about his evangelical labours as a peacemaker in the strifetorn Italy of his day:
Deus, qui beatum Jacobum, Confessorem atque Pontificem, eximium veritatis præconem et pacis conciliatorem effecisti: ejus nobis intercessione concede ut pacem et veritatem diligamus, et ad te, in quo pax summa est et pura veritas, perveniamus. Per...
(O God, Who made blessed James, Confessor and Pontiff, an outstanding preacher of truth and a conciliator of peace: by his intercession grant unto us that we may "love peace and truth" [cf. Zach. viii, 19], and come unto thee, in Whom is supreme peace and pure truth. Through...)
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