To borrow Fr Longenecker's expression, "just for nice" I've bought online (at a rather steep price) a matching Pars Altera for the Breviarium Monasticum, Pars Prima, I obtained so cheaply just last week. The clue was that the volume first obtained was printed by Desclée in 1953, was denotated the fourth edition, and was in handsome hardback octavo size (47 by 145 by 210 mm, or about 1.9 by 5.6 by 8.3 inches). Portable? well, maybe not, but eminently suitable for reference and devotion...
ROME DAY 25/01 09: 1st meal out
3 hours ago
cooee! Very nice, indeed!
I once saw some "Altar Breviaries" which looked very interesting, but my next "just for nice" will be a Nocturnale, I think.
Yes, when I was in Rome, to my amazement I found a full chant edition of the Nocturnale for sale - including the proper settings of all the Responsories of Matins. It was a bit beyond my price range, and wasn't exactly a must-need for me, but it was nice to see it existed, and was available for sale.
yes, there's one out for €99... not too expensive, considering - especially when you read of the dedication and skill of the compiler, a gifted typesetter, who sadly died in his early thirties from pancreatic cancer. :(
God rest his soul evermore, and reward his works a hundredfold!
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