Saturday, May 23, 2009

Novena to St Philip Neri: 7th Day

(The first map of New Zealand, made by Captain Cook during his, the first circumnavigation thereof in 1769-1770.  The North Island is labelled Eaheinomauwe, and the South Island Toai Poonamoo - Cook's transcriptions of their Maori names Tehinga o Maui, a variant of Te Ika a Māui, and Te Wai Pounamu.)

I will appreciate readers sparing a prayer for a safe journey for me - I fly from here in Tasmania to the South Island of New Zealand this afternoon and evening.  (If I'm still in Australia when about to read Vespers, they would be first Vespers of Our Lady Help of Christians, whose proper Office I posted last year - but if I'm out of the country, it will be first Vespers of Sunday after the Ascension...)

As this is a Saturday, the Breviary celebrates Our Lady in the usual manner.

Prayers ought also be said in preparation for the feast of St Philip Neri, Confessor, Founder of the Oratorians - such as the soon-to-be beatified Cardinal Newman's Litany of St Philip.  Here is a link to a relevant text of Fr Faber that I posted last year; it may be used with profit as a meditation concerning St Philip.


  1. Actually I'm pretty sure Our Lady Help of Christians is a first class feast in NZ as well Joshua!

    But enjoy your trip.

  2. Dear Josh,

    Have a great trip. Apologies for not giving you a ring. I'm off to England on the 30th.


  3. Checked - OLHC doesn't seem to appear in the 2009 novus ordo calendar for NZ - but is listed as for NZ in the supplement to my 1951 St Andrews missal. Not sure when they dumped the feast, but I think you claim to be following the traditional calendar!

  4. Well, I've got as far as Sydney (en route to NZ) safe and sound, having heard an early Mass this morning...

    Thanks, Rob, and bon voyage!

    Terra, I noticed the same thing this morning when grabbing my '62 missal with Aust/NZ supplement - but I know that nowadayws Our Lady is Patroness of NZ not as OLHC, but as Maria Assumpta; why and when the change, I dunno.
