Friday, May 22, 2009

Some Hymns for Ascensiontide

Always worth singing, and how appropriately in Ascensiontide:
What a pity that Wesley, in a sense the Newman (and Faber!) of his age, was kept from finding his true home in the Catholic Church; his hymns are certainly very Catholic in their doctrine, all unknowingly.


  1. Joshua,

    How is your mother? I hope that she is recovering. she was in my prayers on Wednesday am as i drove to work.

  2. Yes, thanks be to God, she now home and slowly feeling better.

  3. Oh yes and i met said Archpriest lawrence yesterday at Divine Liturgy-Byzantine Rite.
    You were right-a nice bloke

  4. Excellent, Matthias - say hi to him if you go along to the Liturgy there again.

    Let's pray for each other (Oremus pro invicem).

  5. thanks for the post

    we used "Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise" on Sunday at St Charles' and the Rector loved it so much we are using it again tomorrow.

    if u could say a prayer for us over in the West, it'll be much appreciated

    God Bless
