Saturday, May 23, 2009

Let us journey to the Father

Having heard early Mass at Carmel (one can never tell if one's Communion will be viaticum - flying always reminds me of the Last Things), I was blessed to hear a good sermon: as Our Lord says, Whatsoever you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant - we usually take this with ifs and buts and turn the quotation into a pretext for a disputation on Providence, etc.: instead, hear and heed this, and put it into effect by praying to the Father in Christ's Name, for indeed we have a marvellous God Who promises to hear and answer our petitions.  

At the end of Mass, the celebrant somewhat oddly, but rather pointedly, told us to continue our journey to the Father: and this is our hope, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 comment:

  1. I'm now past customs, having spent a pleasant hour and a half chatting with Fr Terence, who kindly drove over to catch up with me here at the aeroport on my way through...

    (Vespertide being now, I've said 1st Vespers of Australia's Patroness, Our Lady Help of Christians - but to-morrow it will be, I still think, Mass and Office of the Sunday after Ascension in NZ.)
