Tuesday, December 4, 2012

At Last

I have just learnt that I have successfully completed my last unit of study toward a Master of Theological Studies; God willing, once the necessary paperwork is completed, the degree will be officially conferred next year. Another framed certificate to add to those handing on the study wall...

At last, I am now as well qualified in my chosen field as my dear sister, and mother, in theirs; though I have yet to go a step further, and gain a doctorate as my aunt has done, not to mention the same achieved recently by my old friend, Robert.

If and when I can accrue the necessary funds, I do hope to emulate them...

All glory be to God, Who enlightens the mind; what a gift is Faith!  And, under God, I must thank my lecturers, and all the authors whose writings have instructed me, not to mention the Saints.

Retribuere dignare, Domine, omnibus nobis bona facientibus, propter nomen tuum, vitam æternam. Amen.

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