Monday, December 3, 2012

Mass for Advent Sunday

Our monthly Missa cantata at St Canice, in Hobart, went well. I was delighted that the choir chose to sing two most appropriate chants as motets: the Advent Prose Rorate cæli at the Offertory, and the hymn-version of the O Antiphons, Veni, veni, Emmanuel, at Communion. We concluded with the Salve.

Father preached on the great spiritual benefit provided by the sacrament of confession (or reconciliation, or penance - the three names commonly applied to this sacrament). After all, there are two sacraments that we can receive frequently – Penance and the Eucharist – and it stands to reason that, while we are only bound to confess and communicate once a year (and in the case of confession, only if we have fallen into serious sin), yet, given that both sacraments effect a real increase of grace and progress in holiness ex opere operato, it is but logical to make a serious effort to receive them both a good deal more often.  When we receive Communion, what stands in the way of us receiving every grace? Only our selves – sins and the effects of sin can oft be obstacles. If we regularly confess, our souls are better prepared to receive so great a Host, and profit from His blessings.

I find it amusing, by the by, that just before the end of Mass everyone genuflects toward the M.C. – me! (Of course, it is because I hold the Last Gospel altar card for Father, since the print is small, and it would be ridiculous for me to genuflect at the Et Verbum caro factum est while doing so.)

Our next Mass will be held, not on the first, but on the last Sunday of January (the 27th), since Fr Quinn will be away for the first several weeks of next month).  Hence, we will have the rare pleasure of two EF Masses in a row, since the very next week is of course the first Sunday of February.

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