Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Monastic Responsory for Advent

The Breviarium Monasticum contains 61 Matins Responsories for use during Advent (not counting two  that differ merely in their versicle); of these, the Roman Breviary contains 57, that is, all but four (and the two that appear in the former twice, with differing versicles, it contains but once).

Here is one of the "missing Responsories" enjoyed only by select Benedictines; it doesn't appear in the Office for a little while yet, as it is the fourth Matins Responsory for the 3rd Sunday of Advent, but I like the words, with their strongly eschatological flavour, and have englished the Latin as follows:

R/. Ecce veniet Dñs princeps regum terræ: * Beati, qui parati sunt occurrere illi, habebunt partem in civitate Jerusalem. V/. Veniens veniet Dñs, et non tardabit. * Beati, qui parati sunt occurrere illi, habebunt partem in civitate Jerusalem. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto. * Beati, qui parati sunt occurrere illi, habebunt partem in civitate Jerusalem. 
R/. Behold, He shall come, the Lord, the Prince of the kings of the earth: * Blessed are they that are prepared to meet him, they shall have a place in the city Jerusalem. V/. Coming He shall come, the Lord, and shall not tarry. * Blessed are they that are prepared to meet him, they shall have a place in the city Jerusalem. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. * Blessed are they that are prepared to meet him, they shall have a place in the city Jerusalem.

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