Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Having felt rather low, and dealt with stress at work, I have nonetheless had access to joy – I've been praying some of the Hours of Our Lady according to the Dominican Rite.  Compline last night, then the Little Hours to-day...

The psalms therein, particularly the Gradual Psalms, are old friends; and prayers and petitions to Our Lady are always very consoling.  

I recall a quaint old quotation: When all other aid faileth, Mary helpeth.

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.


  1. Well, all and good Josh! But don't overdo it!

    I am finding the Dominican Liturgy rather consoling at present... I was rather non-plussed when a friend referred to it as "Johnny-come-lately stuff" the other day...

  2. After some time rudderless, having my rule of prayer back helps me, I can't quite say how.
