Thursday, March 18, 2010

Australian TAC in the News

Imagine my pleasure when I turned to to-day's edition of The Australian (Thursday 18th March 2010) and found, on the front page, a large colour photo of Abp Hepworth (and wife), with an article ("Australian Bishops lead crossing to Rome") on page 2 featuring photographs of two of his auxiliaries, Bps Robarts (residing here in Launceston) and Entwistle – many thanks, M'Lords, for your kind emails recently – and giving a positive and upbeat account of the ongoing process whereby the T.A.C. and other groups of Anglicans are coming into full communion under provisions of Anglicanorum cœtibus.

It almost made up for the hatefilled and libellous rant against the Pope as alleged fount of all evils that disgraced the newspaper a few pages further in...  If I wrote half so much filth against Obama, say, I'd be up on charges.  I do hope someone official in the Catholic Church here in Australia lodges a formal complaint against what is a clear incitement to religious hatred.

Let us pray for our most blessed Pope Benedict:

The Lord preserve him, 
and give him life, 
and make him blessed upon the earth, 
and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies.  

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