Sunday, May 24, 2009

Novena to St Philip Neri: 8th Day

This post was composed some days ago; hopefully as this appears on my blog, I am on my way to the 10am Sunday Mass in Rutland St, St Albans, Christchurch at the chapel of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer... ora pro me.

At home, this would be the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians; but, since yours truly is supposed to be in New Zealand, the Mass of Sunday after the Ascension will presumably be what I'll find celebrated.

(See here for a passage from Fr Faber in honour of St Philip, which may be used as part of the Novena in his honour, for which I intend to pray Newman's Litany of St Philip.)


  1. Nothing like something decent for breakfast (before the Communion fast of course): bacon, bananas and french toast with maple syrup; and a cappuncino. Despite the rather slow service, I can recommend my hotel's restaurant!

    (I'm staying almost in the middle of the city, on Cashel St; last night, about 1am, I had to drive in from the aeroport in my hire car, and was amazed - stupidly - by the great crowds of young persons out for a night on the town: I hadn't realized NZ would have nightlife.)

    After getting up this morning, I took a short walk around central Christchurch, past the Anglican cathedral, statue of Godley (the settlement's founder) and memorial to the fallen of WWI & 2. Now, off to Mass...

  2. So pleased that you had a safe flight and that you are now enjoying Christchurch - our favourite NZ city. Blessings, Jude

  3. Happy Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, Joshua!

    Br Peter in Wyoming is having his vows today to enter the novitiate, and next Sunday he will receive the full habit and his new name!

    He is on retreat in the monastery's hermitage until the vigil of Pentecost. Please pray for him!

  4. Deo gratias! I will be praying very much for him in the next days!
