Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Patrick's Day

I have a confession to make: I haven't kept to my resolution of arising so very early as to catch Mass before work - hence, St Patrick's day has seemed strange to me, for I don't think I've missed his Mass these many years.  At least I've said the Day Hours so far; Vespers isn't far off; and it's been nice to have a full festal Office of the 1st class to keep.

I was careful to feast the day with meat at meals, and at the moment (having forgotten to buy some Guinness or Kilkenny), I'm drinking a Leffe blonde out of a Leffe glass, all to celebrate the great patriarchal saint of Ireland.  May he pray for us!

(Last year, I posted a copy of his proper Mass, as conceded to some dioceses; and I have also a fuller version of my prayer to St Patrick for the obtaining the Traditional Mass in Tasmania on all Sundays and Feasts.)

This is the proper Collect according to the Breviary and Missal:
Deus, qui ad prædicandam gentibus gloriam tuam beatum Patricium Confessorem atque Pontificem mittere dignatus es: ejus meritis et intercessione concede; ut, quæ nobis agenda præcipis, te miserante adimplere possimus.  Per...

(God, Who didst deign to send blessed Patrick the Confessor and Bishop to preach to the nations Thy glory: by his merits and intercession concede, that, what Thou dost teach us is to be done, Thee being merciful, we may be able to fulfil.  Through...)
I like this prayer: for what was St Patrick sent by God? to preach to the nations His glory.  What ought we aspire to at this saint's deserving prayer? to have the power to do by God's mercy what God teaches us we ought carry out.  By what great agency was Patrick sent by God, and can we fulfil the commandments? Through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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