Monday, March 16, 2009

Recent Arrivals

It's always nice to have some literature at hand; over the weekend I dipped into popular culture by reading the graphic novel Watchmen (thinking it wise to see the original before perhaps steeling myself for the reputedly gory and graphic film version now showing); and to-day, having bought a travel guide to New Zealand (waiting for me, together with a large map, on the dining room table), I returned home to find my mail had turned up trumps: László Dobszay's The Bugnini Liturgy and the Reform of the Reform, plus two publications of the F.Ss.R.: an English translation of the traditional Roman Martyrology (excellent!) and the latest edition of their newspaper The Catholic

I'm also hoping for some items to turn up eventually:  Remote People, by Evelyn Waugh (famous for his hilarious account of the barbaric pomp and cryptic rites accompanying Haile Selassie's coronation as Emperor of Ethiopia); and after years of consulting it, my own copy at last of Jungmann's magisterial Missarum Solemnia in two volumes.

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