Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Feasts of St Cyril - and of St Joseph

I almost forgot St Cyril of Jerusalem's commemoration at Lauds yesterday (perhaps the preces distracted me)... and got as far as the fifth psalm at Vespers before I recalled it should have been first Vespers of St Joseph (which I switched to a capitulo).

The Collect of St Cyril:
Da nobis, quæsumus, omnípotens Deus, beáto Cyríllo Pontífice intercedénte: te solum verum Deum, et quem misísti Jesum Christum ita cognóscere; ut inter oves, quæ vocem ejus áudiunt, perpétuo connumerári mereámur. Per eúmdem Dóminum...

(Grant unto us, we beg, almighty God, the blessed Pontiff Cyril interceding: that we may deserve so to "know Thee, the only true God, and He Whom Thou hast sent, Jesus Christ" [St John xvii, 3], that amongst the sheep, who hear His voice [cf. St John x, 3], we may forever be numbered.  Through the same...)

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