Sunday, March 30, 2008


Two Masses today: the 9.15am at the Pro., and the 2pm at Kelmscott.

I forgot daylight saving ended overnight, and got to Mass an hour early! At least I had plenty of time to say my prayers and practice the music.

Once we finished the Vidi aquam, Mass began in earnest. The St Cecilia choir sang Dom Moreno's Missa Nona, which I find too hard; so I could sit back and relax during the Ordinary (tho' we still sang Credo III), and enjoy chanting the very beautiful and apposite Proper. The Introit Quasi modo, and the Communion Mitte manum, are both very simple and yet powerful; and the double Paschal Alleluia was very inspiring. To fill up the time, we also rather eccentrically sang the Victimæ paschali at the Offertory, and O filii et filiæ at Communion.

At Kelmscott, our little schola of three sang the Vidi aquam, the Proper and the Ordinary (the latter, Missa Orbis factor and Credo III), plus the solemn Regina cæli at the Offertory, and the O filii et filiæ at Communion again.

Fr Terence sang the earlier Mass, with Fr Rowe as Deacon - the latter was the homilist, and contrasted Doubting Thomas with faithful Mary Magdalen: the former was given helps to his weakness, while the latter was not, for Thomas was asked to touch the Sacred Wounds, while Mary was told Noli me tangere! It is the same in our spiritual lives: when we are weak beginners, God graces us with consolations and answers to prayer, but as we progress and grow stronger, He withholds consolations and sends crosses instead, immersing us in the "dark night of the soul".

Fr Richard was the celebrant at Good Shepherd, Kelmscott, and expatiated on the various names of this Sunday: Quasimodo, Low Sunday, Dominica in albis depositis, the Octave Day of Easter, (Thomas Sunday,) and Divine Mercy Sunday. After the Mass, we all recited the Divine Mercy chaplet. As I left, I venerated the image of Divine Mercy: Jesus, I trust in Thee. Having been to confession again yesterday evening (to a very kindly, gentle, and holy old priest, who reminded me that God loves sinners who in humility turn to Him to acknowledge their weakness), I trust even I may be the recipient of the special graces of this feast.

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