Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Engagement

After going to confession, and serving Fr Rowe's afternoon Low Mass for Easter Friday, I had the happiness of assisting him in blessing the engagement of Brad and Anastasia. Brad is from country Victoria, while Anastasia, who's been worshipping at the Pro. for some years, is originally from Siberia! They met last year on the Christus Rex pilgrimage, and make a lovely couple. We hope to hear wedding bells in the next few months, once they decide on the date; but the marriage will be over East, so I probably won't make it.

Mass and Engagement was followed by a feast at a nearby Asian restaurant, to which fourteen of us came - most of the people at Mass (I counted 25 communicants). A very happy day. And to imagine that last week we were all solemnly fasting on Good Friday!

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