Sunday, March 30, 2008

Best-laid Plans

It was announced at Mass today that our earlier plan to move some Masses to St Brigid's has fallen through.

Instead, His Grace the Archbishop has returned to approving an earlier plan (no disrespect to him, but he seems to change his mind a lot): we are to move, some time after Pentecost (in June, most likely), to St Anne's, Belmont, where the tentative Sunday schedule will be a Low Mass at 8am and Sung Mass at 10:15am.

(The weekly Sunday Masses at Kelmscott - possibly at an earlier time - and the monthly Sunday Masses in Bunbury will continue. But St John's Pro-Cathedral will revert to its previous role as a museum-piece, and we will no longer have any Masses nor devotions there once we complete our move.)

While St Anne's is neither as large, nor as central, as St Brigid's, it is more spacious than the Pro., and will be wholly and solely for the use of the Latin Mass community, so we won't have to work around others, as we would have had to have done at St Brigid's. Furthermore, the church comes with a hall, necessary facilities, and a presbytery, all of which is very useful. (It is also much closer to where I live!)

Once the last Novus Ordo Mass - joyous phrase! - is said there on Pentecost Sunday, the locals must move out (there are three other churches close by, all of which, together with St Anne's up till now, are in one parish under one priest, so they won't be left bereft), and we will move in, after necessary renovation work and the like.

St Anne, pray for us.


  1. Sounds like good news, then! :)

  2. P.S. Can't recall if I've mentioned this to you, but you might be interested in showcasing these:

    Don't worry if you don't want to; I'm just trying to spread the word.

  3. Thanks, Mark - will have a look and make a decision!
