Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pilgrimage and All Saints

Salvator mundi, salva nos omnes: sancta Dei Genitrix, Virgo semper Maria, ora pro nobis: precibus quoque sanctorum Apostolorum, Martyrum et Confessorum atque sanctarum Virginum suppliciter petimus, ut a malis omnibus eruamur bonisque omnibus nunc et semper perfrui mereamur.

(Saviour of the world, save us all: Holy Mother of God, ever-Virgin Mary, pray for us: and by the prayers of the holy Apostles, Martyrs and Confessors, and of the holy Virgins, bowing down we beg, that we may be delivered from all evils and now and ever may deserve to enjoy all goods.)

—Dominican Magnificat Antiphon for 2nd Vespers of All Saints

Some of my last memories of this year's Christus Rex pilgrimage are from Monday morning, the day after its conclusion – High Mass of the Vigil of All Saints was sung in the Cathedral, and then, while the choir sang on with choice motets, Fr Mannes offered a Dominican Rite Low Mass (also of the Vigil) at the Blessed Sacrament altar.

I do prefer the Dominican Rite to the Roman for Low Mass – though I would not for one minute subtract from the greater external glory and inspiring majesty of Solemn High Mass.  It is a good day when one can hear several Masses.

Mass, foretaste of the glory of heaven!  Fr Mannes ably preached to us pilgrims on the Sunday morning, reminding us that if pilgrimage not progress us in the spiritual life, it is worthless and to be shunned.  Our advance toward the Cathedral, symbol of the heavenly Jerusalem, the goal of our life's pilgrimage, reminds us that we are called to be saints, for nothing impure shall enter heaven.  Well then was the Monday Mass that of the Vigil of All Saints, reminding us that we are not yet made perfect, not yet rejoicing in the consummation of all things in Christ – just as even this morning's Mass, back in my home town, back at Carmel, being of All Saints, yet reminded us that we have a real communion with heaven, but are still on earth, still on our pilgrimage.

All ye holy men and women, intercede for us!

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