Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fr Corrigan's Blessing

I was very grateful, while on pilgrimage, to be able to receive the blessing of a new priest, the well-known Fr John Corrigan (see his blog), who was, as he informed us, but six weeks and two days ordained.  As they say in Germany, one should travel far to get the blessing of a new priest – certainly, having walked over 70 km by that stage of the pilgrimage, I did!

He quite spontaneously prayed a special blessing for this blog, that it be a form of spiritual witness and edification: to which I add a hearty Amen, all unworthy as my efforts are.  As I said in my very first blog post, what else could I hope for?

Please pray for Fr Corrigan, "a priest forever, according to the order of Melchisedech": ad multos annos!

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