Monday, July 25, 2011

R.I.P. Sr Paul Joseph, O.C.D.

Died, in the 48th year of her Carmelite profession and the 95th of her age, Sister Paul Joseph of Mary the Mother of God, on Sunday the 24th of July 2011: on whose soul may the Lord have mercy.

Well done, thou good and faithful servant!

Sister's Requiem Mass will be held on Thursday at the Chapel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Carmel of Launceston, followed by interment in the crypt of the monastery.

Sr Paul Joseph was the last of the dedicated extern sisters of the Carmel here in Tasmania.  Because of her status as "mediatrix between nuns and men" as I liked to joke, my family were privileged to often talk with her over the years.  She had a wry sense of humour and a shrewd grasp of all matters.  I recall once asking her when the nuns prayed: she ran through all the times of divine service at Carmel, then paused, and questioned me, "Do you plan to come to all of them?"

I recall her telling me of how she first tried her vocation as a Carmelite in Melbourne, but such were the rigors of that Carmel back then that she was taken from there in an ambulance!  She re-entered Carmel in Adelaide, and from there came to Tasmania, so far as I understand.

As her health failed, she moved from her extern quarters into the enclosure, and latterly was in medical care; she died a holy death early on Sunday.

Of your charity, pray for her eternal repose, and ask her to intercede that more vocations come to Carmel.

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