Monday, July 18, 2011

Long Weekend in Sydney

A very pleasant trip up to Sydney and back I've had.

This morning, before flying home, I was glad to visit my friend Fr Paul, ordained in December last year, and was privileged to serve his Mass (a Votive of the Holy Angels), which he offered for the repose of my late father; while in his parish they haven't begun using the new translation (so I had to quickly recall the old responses), he chose to offer Mass ad orientem, which greatly accentuates the solemnity and better accentuates the sacrificial essence of the Mass – how potent a manifestation of the truth of the Holy Sacrifice it was, to look past the altar to the stained glass window of the Crucifixion, while the priest read with devotion the Roman Canon, arms outstretched in modo crucis, and upon the corporal rested the Body and the Blood of the Divine Victim.

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