Saturday, June 25, 2011

From the Rule

Daily in their cells (should they perchance awake), the Dormitionists read extracts from the Regula Patrum Soporificum as part of their Office, that, better instructed in the observance of their peculiar charism, they may slumber like model religious.  Herewith, the usual course of readings:

Jube, Dñe, benedicere.
(Prithee, Lord, to bless.)
Regularibus somnis instruant nos Patres Soporificos.
(May the Soporific Fathers instruct us in regular sleep habits.)
Sequitur in Regula Patrum nostrorum Soporificum.
(It follows in the Rule of our Soporific Fathers.)
Primum bonum est requies somni, secundum quod dicitur, Si dormit, salvus erit. Ita instituimus ut omnes dormiant in dormitorio. 
(The first good is the rest of sleep, according to what is said, If he sleep, he shall be saved.  So we institute, that all should sleep in the Dormitory.)
Per singula lecta singuli dormiant, et singuli singulas cellulas habeant, et nequaquam duo in uno, sed singuli in singulis lectis quiescant.
(In single beds singly they should sleep, and singly single cells they should have, and never should two sleep in one, but let them singly in single beds rest.)
Maneant singuli in cellulis suis, sive dormientes sive in lege Domini meditantes sive horas canonicas dicentes.
(They should abide singly in their cells, whether sleeping or meditating on the law of the Lord or saying the canonical hours.)
Maneant singuli in cellulis suis, quia non inveniant alibi tantam pacem et quietem et somnum et requiem.
(Let them remain alone in their cells, for nowhere else will they find such peace and quiet and sleep and rest.)
Humiliter et honeste in dormitorio maneant. Suaviter requiescant, si cor suum non reprehenderit se. 
(They should abide in the Dormitory with humility and respect. They shall rest sweetly, if their heart does not reproach them.)
Nihil denique inhonestum aut indecens in dormitorio geratur ab aliquo, nec quispiam aliquem inquietare præsumat. 
(No one should do anything unseemly or disreputable in the Dormitory, nor should anyone presume to disquieten another.)
Super omnia et in omnibus requiescant in Domino semper, quia ipse est sanctorum æterna requies.
(Above all things and in all things they should rest always in God, for He is the everlasting rest of the saints.) 
Tu autem, Dñe, miserere nostri. R/. Deo gratias. 
 (—But Thou, Lord, have mercy upon us. R/.  Thanks be to God.)

It will be seen that these extracts offer a conspectus of Dormitionist spirituality.

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