Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Early to Rise...

Unlike those Dormitionists, I have been rising earlier than ever the past few days: for the first time in years, I've been going to daily Mass again.

I had best explain: I am not (it will no doubt be suspected) a fan of early rising; and, given the small number of priests based here in Launceston, and their propensity to schedule Mass at times inappropriate for full-time workers, the only Mass I can attend and still do my job properly is the the 7:30 am at the Carmelite Monastery.  For years, literally, I have toyed with the idea of getting up a precious half-hour earlier than my wont, and going to this Mass – but, until Monday, I had always just turned over and slept on instead.

I had also best explain that, given my strong preference for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, having mainly attended it for the better part of two years while in Perth, it has proven very difficult for me, psychologically, to face going even to Sunday Mass in the Ordinary Form: it has been a trial.

At the same time, I have wasted spiritually for want of the Eucharist.  My discipline of praying the Office has also slipt.  Getting back to what I've done for most of my adult life – going to daily Mass – (and, incidentally, having more time to read the Breviary) is just marvellous, thank God indeed.

I attribute this inspiration of my will, under God, to my Guardian Angel and, humanly, to a chance meeting I had while in Lismore the other week, when I paid a visit to the Carmel there, and profited from a spiritual conversation with the extern sister there: I thank her for her evidently potent and efficacious prayers!


  1. HInt,

    Offer this sacrifice up that the Extraordinary Form be made available in Launceston and that Catholicism flourish in Tasmania as a result. You could be pleasantly surprised !!

  2. Well said.

    That said... it's actually become exceedingly easy to get up and go to Mass at Carmel, and gives me great pleasure to attend at the Holy Sacrifice, and incidentally to have more time to pray Matins, Lauds and Prime too. So maybe there's not so much merit in this "suffering"!

    Once the Australian Ordinariate is established - hopefully next year - I would hope to "worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness" with the local group of incoming Anglicans once they and their bishop are reconciled to the Holy See and he's a Catholic priest.

  3. Good on you, Josh! Am pleased to read this post, albeit delayed as I am just now back on terra firma, now that the holidays have begun.

    Something I learned recently is that it's better that daily Mass and the Office are motivated on love, than by the desire to do it by rote: sounds like you've got the former in this case though. Grand!

  4. It's now almost the end of August, and I'm still keeping up morning Mass before work, Monday to Friday - I love it: Deo gratias et Mariæ.
