Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Travel Journal: 5th January

Arising soon after six o'clock – why is early rising esteemed as, after cleanliness (let Englishmen take note!) next to godliness? – I motored over to early Mass at St Aloysius.  Now that the Latin Mass Community has the custody of the church, it's the Novus Ordo people who are the guests, so that they have to set up their trestyl tryst when they want their Mass: it was glorious to see the sanctuary uncluttered, the High Altar bedecked and daily in use for the great Sacrifice.

Low Mass at the High Altar was offered by Fr McDaniels, who is a fine priest and careful celebrant: it took just half an hour, as is right, with five communicants including the server.  Mass was of the feria – I had been hoping that perhaps the Vigil of the Epiphany would have still been kept (doesn't even the 1962 Missal include the Mass-texts of the old Vigils and so forth as options ad devotionem?) – but it was indeed wonderful to assist thereat.  What I wouldn't give to again live where I can be involved in a proper Latin Mass parish, I miss it so much.

(For the record, pace Fr Hunwicke, the celebrant indeed read in the Preface Domine, sancte Pater, omnipotens æterne Deus; and whatever of '62, as at the High Masses on the weekend, so to-day, the traditional bows to the crucifix at Oremus and the Holy Name were duly observed; for that matter, the celebrant at each High Mass was censed after the initial censing the altar, which I seem to recall was snipped out of the '62 for some piffling reason.)

Soon enough I'll head off, having breakfasted, for Healesville and the upper Yarra Valley: a decent country drive through vineyards, and hopefully a visit to an old friend of mine, Br Luke, now a Cistercian monk at Tarrawarra Abbey there.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, so sad to have to see for so many years "Yn llae allor, trestyl tryst," but we may be happy that the following line has only rarely (we may hope) obtained: "Yn llae Grist, mae bara!"
