Thursday, January 6, 2011

Epiphany Flight to New Zealand

I feel a bit guilty about travelling on the Epiphany – granted, it isn't a Holy Day of Obligation in this part of the world, but I had hoped to hear Mass this day; unfortunately, the available time for my holiday made it too hard to avoid this.  At least according to this schedule I will get to Christchurch for Sunday Mass.

Yes, back to New Zealand again: a morning flight from Melbourne leading to an early afternoon arrival in Queenstown, so beautiful amid the mountains, laved by the ripples of mighty Wakatipu...

As I did when there eighteen months ago, I look forward to toasting the South Island at Speight's Alehouse: "Guard Pacific's triple star".

1 comment:

  1. For some bizarre reason, though I can access my blog's dashboard, I cannot post anything, and I can only view my own blog by googling it and looking at the cached file!

    Anyway, Queenstown is beautiful.
