Wednesday, January 27, 2010

St John Chrysostom

The Traditional Rite (incl. the Dominican form) keeps to-day the memory of St John Chrysostom, Bishop, Confessor (indeed, all but Martyr) and Doctor - why now? because in the Byzantine Rite, the 27th of January is the feast of the transfer of his relics... which repose under one of the side altars of St Peter's Basilica, where I venerated them a few weeks ago.

I recall that, even in the suffering of his exile, or rather of his being hounded to death, he never ceased to exclaim, Glory be to God for all things.  There is an Akathist of this title and on a like theme, composed by an orthodox bishop who suffered in the Arctic gulags of Soviet Russia.

His Troparion and Kontakion:

The grace that shines forth from your mouth like a torch has enlightened the universe, bestowed treasures of generosity upon the world and shown us the depth of your humility.  While you teach us by your words, Father John Chrysostom, pray to the Word, Christ our God, that He may save our souls.
From heaven you received divine grace, and from your lips we all learn to worship One God in the Trinity, O Blessed and Holy John Chrysostom.  It is meet that we praise you, for you are indeed a teacher revealing the things of God.

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