Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Incoming Anglicans - Important News

The Traditional Anglican Communion has at length released (via The Anglo-Catholic blog) the full text of their official petition of 2007 asking for reunion with the Holy See.

It will be interesting to compare this to what has so far been released by the Pope - i.e., his Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum cœtibus.

It would be charity indeed to pray this prayer, drawn up for such purpose back in 1978:

O JESUS, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer to you my continual obedience, pleading that all Anglicans seeking union with the Apostolic See of Peter may have the fruition of their hope. By the power of your Divine Spirit so guide the Holy Father in Rome that this union will be accomplished and that what is good and true in our [or their] heritage may be preserved to the benefit of the Universal Church. Grant that Anglican bishops and priests longing for this union may be granted continued exercise of the priestly ministry under the authority of the Roman See and that Christians everywhere may once again know the Chair of Peter as that rock upon which your Church on earth is founded, against which hell cannot prevail. Amen.

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