Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To Revive My Drooping Spirit

I don't know why the Lord is always sending me consolations...

Having returned to earth with a bump, so to speak, it was a real grace to go along to St Francis for our Gregorian chant group - and to find that we were to first practice, and then sing Compline and Benediction. I love the smell of incense in the evening!

Two English prayers were added at Benediction to the usual: a short litany of the Blessed Sacrament, and an excellent choice for reposition hymn - "Let all mortal flesh keep silence".

Afterward, Fr Allan invited us to join him for supper at the friary, and asked me to tell all about my trip (not realizing just how garrulous I can be). Supper over, he solemnly blessed my new crucifix for me. A good priest.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why the Lord is always sending me consolations...

    Because He loves you?
