Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Return to Normalcy

Back at work, with its pressures and worries, back in Tasmania (ditto), and finding that if my vices and temptations took a holiday while I did, they've come home too!

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, it was good to turn back to the opening pages of the Little Office, and at breathing spaces through the day to pray Our Lady's Hours. "When all other succour faileth, Our Lady's grace helpeth." (The Mirror of Our Lady)

Happy feast of St Matthew for yester-day: I'm afraid all I prayed all day was Compline. It is too easy to let things slide...

At least, while I was away, the Tolkien books I ordered arrived, so I've been able to read at night before bed some of his shorter works ("Smith of Wootton Major", "Leaf by Niggle", "A Secret Vice" - about the composition of new languages - and his "Valedictory Address").

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