Friday, June 12, 2009

Yet More Nova et Vetera Breviary Misprints

I've only read the first Nocturn - three psalms - of Friday Matins from my new Breviary, and I find, twice:

Ant. 3 Ianuas cæli aperuit * Dominus, et pluit illis mana [sic] ad manducandum.

Ant. Ianuas cæli aperuit Dominus, et pluit illis mana [sic] ad manducandum.

[Breviarium Romanum, Nova et Vetera ed., Volume II, pages 547 and 548.]

At least manna is spelt correctly in the psalm itself (Ps 77:24)!

Bizarrely this reminds me of my recent reading of James Belich's Making Peoples: A History of the New Zealanders from Polynesian Settlement to the End of the Nineteenth Century (which I would thoroughly recommend as a very learned and enjoyable read), since the Maori regarded the search for mana (roughly, prestige) as all-important; a sort of "keeping up with the Joneses" exercise.

But I must away, I'm consulting a climatologist...

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