Friday, June 12, 2009

Roman Plans: Churches associated with St Philip Neri

Apart from fairly obvious places to visit in Rome, I wish - when there in September, God willing - to visit these churches, owing to their association with St Philip Neri; and, providentially, the 8th of September, the Nativity of Our Lady, is the titular feast of the Chiesa Nuova, Santa Maria in Vallicella:




San Sebastiano fuori le Mura – Catacomba di S. Sebastiano (“ad catacumbas”)

(The place where he received the miraculous dilation of his heart is now a chapel*.)

[*Fr Michael Rowe, when in Italy on pilgrimage in October 2007, was able to say Mass in this subterranean chapel; it has a statue of S.P.N.]


San Girolamo della Carità (incl. Chapel of S.P.N., 1705) 62/a Via de Monserrato

(He dwelt here after becoming a priest in 1551, until 1583.)


San Giovanni de’ Fiorentini (incl. Chapel of S.P.N.) 2 Via Acciaioli

(From May 1564 till Apr. 1577, Philip ‘ruled’ this church, and some of his disciples resided there; the exercises of the Oratory were held there from 1574 until 1577)


San Tommaso in Parione (incl. painting of S.P.N.) 33 Via Parione (very close to the Chiesa Nuova)

(Here, Philip was tonsured, and ordained to the minor orders and subdiaconate in Mar. 1551; and ordained priest on 23rd May.)

(He was ordained deacon at St John Lateran, 29th Mar. 1551, Holy Saturday.)


Santa Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova) & Oratorio di S. Filippo Neri  134 Via del Governa Vecchi/Piazza della Chiesa Nuova

– incl. Chapel of S.P.N., where he is buried, and his rooms in the Oratory

(Gregory XIII erected the Congregation of the Oratory 15th July 1575;

foundation stone laid 17th Sep. 1575;

a miracle of Our Lady prevented the collapse of the church;

3rd Feb. 1577 opened for divine service on Sept. Sunday;

exercises of the Oratory moved there in Apr. 1577)


The Seven Churches (Sette Chiese)

(He popularized the devotion of visiting these.)


Tre Fontane (Cistercian monastery)

(Here a holy monk revealed his vocation to him.)

San Filippo Neri all’Esquilino (built 1827-1842) 16a Via Sforza

(Built long afterwards, but dedicated to him.)

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