Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Novena to St Philip Neri: 4th Day

To-day is the Vigil of the Ascension, as well as the last rogation day; as it is of the 2nd class, no commemoration is made of to-day's saint, but all comes from the Common of Eastertide and the Proper - despite it being a Vigil, the Preces are not read at Lauds, presumably because the joy of Easter trumps the usual sobriety and strictness of a Vigil.  With evening comes first Vespers of the Ascension...

While he is not feasted on this date this year, it is useful to recall St Bernardine of Siena, indefatigable preacher of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, and a fellow Italian saint dear to St Philip Neri's heart: what a joy to ceaseless hymn and repeat over and again the Name of Our Lord, the Name that brings salvation - Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...

I am using Newman's Litany of St Philip for this Novena. Last year I gave passages from Fr Faber for each day of St Philip's Novena; please click this link.


As to-day my mum is having an operation, if my readers could spare her a prayer I and she and all the family would be most grateful.

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