Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Confession and a Misprint

I have an admission to make: it was only last night - nearly six months after I moved to Tasmania from Western Australia - that I got around to bringing up from storage my prie-dieu (which I felt I really should use to kneel at for to say the Litanies of the Saints).

I no longer have "Catholic knees" - too much time spent standing or sitting, not enough spent meekly kneeling on my knees...  St Ambrose tells us the knee was made flexible to propitiate the wrath of God - Flectamus genua!  (At least my kneeler has padding, thanks be.)

As I've left my F.S.S.P. Breviary upstairs in the bedroom, I used my new Nova et Vetera Breviary to read the Litaniæ Sanctorum - and discovered a misprint: Per baptismum et sanctum, ieiunium tuum (note the incorrect comma).


  1. I so want a prié-dieu, but I'll never be able to afford it!

  2. Mine was a gift from a nice lady I know in Hobart - she had three, so she gave me one!

    (She also made me a surplice, etc.)

  3. Ah, if only I knew a similar lady!
