Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday of the First Week of Lent

Some Lutherans maintain the old Catholic custom of naming each Sunday after the opening words of its introit (although, apparently following an old textual variation in the Proper going back beyond Luther, they call the first Sunday of Lent not Invocabit, but Invocavit!).  By this method, to-day is Reminiscere - as will be next Sunday, the second of Lent.

As this is an Ember Wednesday, as well as a Lenten feria, I was glad to have the chance to avoid meat entirely (I had salt-and-pepper squid and chips for dinner).  The Collect at the Hours (except for Vespers of course) is as follows, which has quite an Epiphanytide feel about it:
Preces nostras, quæsumus, Domine, clementer exaudi: et contra cuncta nobis adversantia dexteram tuæ majestatis extende.  Per...

(Clemently hear, we beg, Lord, our prayers: and against all opposed to us stretch forth the right hand of Thy Majesty.  Through...)

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