Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Great Big Thankyou

Some time over the last day or so, this blog passed the milestone of 20,000 visitors since shortly after it was founded early in December 2007.  (I had feared that whatever transient interest my posts attracted may have been lost when I moved back to Tasmania from Western Australia just before Christmas last year, but that hasn't occurred.)  

I set this blog up simply to provide some outlet for my own private concerns, enthusiasms and opinions - and resolved to write whatsoever I like howsoever I like, without regard to human respect.  Hopefully any eccentricities revealed are harmless.  As I have written before, if you find aught here of benefit, please pray for me that God may save my soul; and if you find anything offensive or silly, please let me know, and forgive me for Christ's sake.


  1. I very much enjoy your blog from here in America.
    Fr. J

  2. Many thanks, Father!

    Of your charity, please remember me at God's altar when you have a chance at Mass.
