Tuesday, March 10, 2009

For they are stronger than I

I customarily use a short prayer I made up, based upon Psalm 141(142):7b-8a, which is as follows, begging God that He save me, since I cannot save myself, and must cry with the Apostles, Salva nos, Domine, perimus (Save us, Lord, we are perishing), that where mortal flesh and frailty fails in the combat against sin, Satan, death and hell, Our Saviour may interpose Himself and His Cross, to restore us by His grace, He Who is Our Jesus, our salvation, our life, our heaven, and our resurrection:

Deliver me, my Christ, from those who attack me, for they are stronger than I; bring my soul out of this prison, and then I shall praise Thy Name.

(In private prayers I usually pray to Christ.)

This aspiration may be considered as a response to St Peter's nightly admonition at Compline: "Brethren: Be sober and watch: for your adversary the devil like a roaring lion prowls about, seeking whom he should devour: whom resist ye, strong in faith" (I Peter v, 8-9a).  I should add that this is but the last petition of the Lord's Prayer, that model and sure rule of all prayer: Sed libera nos a malo.  The Roman Mass takes up these words in its Embolism: Libera nos, quæsumus, Domine, ab omnibus malis, præteritis, præsentibus, et futuris... - "Deliver us, we beg, Lord, from all evils, past, present and future...".


  1. A personal relationship with Christ! Never!

    I happen to like Psalm 16, "Preserve me O God, for I take refuge in you ..."

  2. "... I say to the Lord, you are my God, my happiness lies in you alone."

