Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ancient Spanish Lenten Lectio Continua

In St Augustine's day, the sacred liturgy in Africa began with the entry of the bishop and clergy in silence... once all were assembled in due order, the pontiff pronounced the customary salutation and blessing, "The Lord be with you," over all the clergy and people, and thereupon the readings began.

There are suspicions that the North African Rite resembled that which developed in ancient Spain, persisted and developed during Visigothic times, endured the Moorish occupation, and survived the Reconquista, being retained above all in the Capilla Muzarabe at Toledo Cathedral; in 1500, the noted humanist Cardinal Ximenes had the ancient manuscript missals and office books reëdited and printed, ne prorsus interirent; and in our own day these have been restored to their original purity, by being stripped of mediæval accretions from the local Romano-Toledan use: one day perhaps I'll be in Toledo (or elsewhere in Spain) and assist at such a Mozarabic Mass.

In the meanwhile, it is interesting to note that only on Sundays outside of Lent (including the first Sunday of Lent - the Fast begins on the Monday after!), and on feasts, does the Mozarabic Mass begin with a processional chant (the Prælegendum, equivalent to the Roman Introit), continue with the Gloria in excelsis and following prayer (not so much a collect as an expatiation upon themes of the Gloria, with perhaps a seasonal or festal emphasis), and then, after not before the prayer (shewing the preceding material to be of later introduction) have an introductory Dominus sit semper vobiscum (the Mozarabic Rite is customarily prolix, hence the interpolated sit semper) before the readings are read.  Instead, on ferias, fasts, and all days of Lent, even Sundays, even now, the Mozarabic Rite begins most starkly, as St Augustine would have done, with a silent entrance of the clergy, and only "The Lord be ever with you" before the first lesson from Scripture.

A few Lents ago, I decided for meditation to read over the Lenten readings for Mass supplied in the Mozarabic Rite: they turned out to consist in a fourfold lectio semi-continua (many passages regarding right conduct from Proverbs and Ecclesiasticus or Sirach; a tour through the Old Testament from the Fall to the Prophet Elias; more or less straight through the Catholic Epistles of James, I & II Peter, and I John; and St John's Gospel, chapters 1 to 12) that I found profitable. (For any interested, I append below a table derived from a Spanish and Latin Mozarabic website that has put much useful material online.)  

[Bear in mind that Mozarabic Lenten Terce, Sext and None also have, at least according to the Breviarium Gothicum, long Scripture lessons, that in particular cover most of the historical books of the Old Testament from the Fall to the destruction of Jerusalem.]

Now, ordinarily the ancient Spanish Mass had three lections: one from the Prophets, one from an Apostle (that is, from one of their Epistles), and one from the Gospels; between the Prophet and Apostle came a chant, the Psallendum (the little-item-to-be-psalmed - rather like a Gradual), while, by a strange decision of an early Council of Toledo, the Alleluia and verse (the Laudes, or praises) is deferred until after the Gospel, unlike in other liturgies where it serves to introduce it.  However, in Lent, there are four readings, the first in a sense taking the place of the absent introductory chants and prayer: the Rite has a reading from the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament, then one from the historical books, then one from an Apostle, and finally a Gospel passage.  On Wednesdays and Fridays, in place of the Psallendum before the Apostle, sad texts, called Threni, are chanted (these resemble the Roman Tract).

(All of the following references are to the chapters and verses of the Neo-Vulgate, except that the numbering of the psalms follows the Vulgate.)

In primo Dominico Quadragesimæ, id est, de carnes tollendas 

Historical Lection: 1 K 19,3-14
Psallendum: Ps 78,8-9a
Apostle: 2 Cor 5,20-6,10
Gospel: Mt 4,1-11 
Laudes: (first year) Ps 77,1
(second year) Ps 18,11;118,103 

Missa ieiunii de II feria inchoante Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 2,1-9
Historical Lection: Gen 3,1-19
Psallendum: Ps 101,14-15
Apostle: Jas 1,1-12
Gospel: Jn 1,1-14
Laudes: Ps 21,24.27 

Feria III in prima hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 6,1-8
Historical Lection: Gen 12,1-20
Psallendum: Ps 132,1-2
Apostle: Jas 1,13-21
Gospel: Jn 1,15-28
Laudes: Ps 52,4.5-6 

Feria IV in prima hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 13,22-14,11
Historical Lection: Ex 34,27-34
Threni: Lam 1,1: Jer 9,1;14,17; Lam 2,19;1,5; Jer 5,6
Apostle: Jas 1,22-25
Gospel: Jn 1,29-34
Laudes: Ps 70,23a.22a 

Feria V in prima hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 20,5-13
Historical Lection: Gen 7,1-24
Psallendum: Ps 7,7b-8a.10a
Apostle: Jas 1,26-27
Gospel: Jn 1,35-51
Laudes: Ps 102,1-2 

Feria VI in prima hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 29,1-15
Historical Lection: Gen 31,17-44
Threni: Jer 9,18; Is 22,4;21,3-4; Jer 4,31
Apostle: Jas 2,1-13
Gospel: Jn 2,12-23
Laudes: Ps 103,33-34 

Sabbatum in prima hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 29,19-30
Historical Lection: Gen 33,1-20
Psallendum: Ps 33,23.20
Apostle: Jas 2,21-26
Gospel: Jn 3,16-21
Laudes: Ps 112,1-2 

In secundo Dominico Quadragesimæ, missa de muliere samaritana 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 14,33-15,8
Historical Lection: Gen 41,1-45a
Psallendum: Ps 26,9b-10.7
Apostle: Jas 2,14-23
Gospel: Jn 4,3-42
Laudes: Ps 68,31.35 

Feria II in secunda hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 16,16-32
Historical Lection: Gen 42,3-25
Psallendum: Ps 37,16-17a.18
Apostle: Jas 3,1-13
Gospel: Jn 3,22-36
Laudes: Ps 135,1-2a 

Feria III in secunda hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 13,1-10
Historical Lection: Gen 47,1-15
Psallendum: Ps 119,1-2
Apostle: Jas 4,1-10
Gospel: Jn 5,19-30
Laudes: Ps 104,1a.4 

Feria IV in secunda hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 27,23-28,5
Historical Lection: Éx 2,11-25
Threni: Job 33,26.25; Is 13,7; Job 33,
Apostle: Jas 4,11-17
Gospel: Jn 5,19a.31-38
Laudes: Ps 146,1.3.7a 

Feria V in secunda hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 28,6-13
Historical Lection: Ex 5,1-23
Psallendum: Ps 120,1-2
Apostle: Jas 5,1-6
Gospel: Jn 5,19a.39-6,2
Laudes: Ps 68,31-32 

Feria VI in secunda hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 18,15-21
Historical Lection: Ex 13,3-22
Threni: Job 15,14-16;10,9;14,15-17
Apostle: Jas 5,7-15
Gospel: Jn 6,3-14
Laudes: Ps 108,30-31 

Sabbatum in secunda hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 28,14-28
Historical Lection: Ex 14,1-14
Psallendum: Ps 139,5b.9b
Apostle: Jas 5,16-20
Gospel: Jn 6,15-23
Laudes: Ps 139,2-5a 

In tertio Dominico Quadragesimæ, missa de cæco nato dicenda 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 20,17-28
Historical Lection: Núm 22,2-23,10
Psallendum: Ps 35,8a.11-12
Apostle: 1Jn 1,5-9
Gospel: Jn 9,1-38
Laudes: Ps 104,1a.4 

Feria II in tertia hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 29,1-14
Historical Lection: Núm 14,1-24
Psallendum: Ps 101,14-15
Apostle: 1Pe 1,1-12
Gospel: Jn 6,24-29
Laudes: Ps 21,24.27 

Feria III in tertia hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 29,19-27
Historical Lection: Jos 8,30-9,2
Psallendum: Ps 132,1-2
Apostle: 1Pe 1,13-25a
Gospel: Jn 6,30-35
Laudes: Ps 62,4.5-6 

Feria IV in tertia hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 21,22-31
Historical Lection: Judg 1,1-26
Threni: Job 7,20-21.7.19-21.16
Apostle: 1Pe 2,25-3,9
Gospel: Jn 6,35-40
Laudes: Ps 70,23a.22a 

Feria V in tertia hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 22,17-29
Historical Lection: Judg 2,6-23
Psallendum: Ps 7,7b-8a.10a
Apostle: 1Pe 4,7-11
Gospel: Jn 6,41-47
Laudes: Ps 102,1-2 

Feria VI in tertia hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 9,1-3.8-13;8,11-12
Historical Lection: Judg 16,4-31
Threni: Lam 1,18; Is 47,6; Lam 1,5;4,11;1,4;3,3-4.7-8
Apostle: 1Pe 4,13-19
Gospel: Jn 8,2-11
Laudes: Ps 103,33-34 

Sabbatum in tertia hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 25,2-12
Historical Lection: Judg 21,1-25
Psallendum: Ps 33,23.20
Apostle: 1Pe 5,5-11
Gospel: Jn 6,43.48-58
Laudes: Ps 112,1-2 

In quarto Dominico Quadragesimæ, missa in mediante dia festo 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 14,11-22
Historical Lection: 1Sam 1,1-20
Psallendum: Ps 70,5.19b-20a.21b.10b-12a.3c-5a
Apostle: Jas 3,14-18
Gospel: Jn 7,2-30
Laudes: Ps 70,23-24 

Feria II in quarta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 4,1-11
Historical Lection: 1Sam 3,1-19
Psallendum: Ps 37,16-17a.18
Apostle: 2Pe 1,1-11
Gospel: Jn 6,53.58-63a
Laudes: Ps 135,1-2a 

Feria III in quarta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 15,22-33
Historical Lection: 1Sam 6,1-19
Psallendum: Ps 119,1-2
Apostle: 2Pe 1,12-21
Gospel: Jn 6,61a.63b-70
Laudes: Ps 104,1a.4 

Feria IV in quarta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 13,14-21
Historical Lection: 1Sam 12,1-23
Threni: Lam 1,11.9.8; Job 16,11; Lam 2,16;1,8
Apostle: 2Pe 2,1-8
Gospel: Jn 7,32-38
Laudes: Ps 146,1.3.7a 

Feria V in quarta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 12,5-15
Historical Lection: 1Sam 6,1-19
Psallendum: Ps 119,1-2
Apostle: 2Pe 1,12-21
Gospel: Jn 6,61a.63b-70
Laudes: Ps 104,1a.4 

Feria VI in quarta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 26,18-28
Historical Lection: 1Sam 16,1-12
Threni: Job 16,7a.8.10-11.13-14
Apostle: 2Pe 3,3-9
Gospel: Jn 8,21-30
Laudes: Ps 108,30-31 

Sabbatum in quarta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 24,15-25
Historical Lection: 1Sam 20,11-21,1
Psallendum: Ps 139,5b.9b
Apostle: 2Pe 3,10-18
Gospel: Jn 8,31-59
Laudes: Ps 139,2-5a 

In quinto Dominico Quadragesimæ, missa de Lazaro dicenda 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 47,24-29;
Historical Lection: 1Sam 26,1-24
Psallendum: Ps 37,
Apostle: 1Jn 5,16-20
Gospel: Jn 11,1-52
Laudes: Ps 139,2-5a 

Feria II in quinta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 48,1-23
Historical Lection: 1Sam 27,1-12
Psallendum: Ps 101,14-15
Apostle: 1Jn 1,10-2,6
Gospel: Jn 10,1-16
Laudes: Ps 21,24.27 

Feria III in quinta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 10,26-34
Historical Lection: 2Sam 6,1-23
Psallendum: Ps 132,1-2
Apostle: 1Jn 2,7-17
Gospel: Jn 10,17-21
Laudes: Ps 62,4.5-6 

Feria IV in quinta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Prov 23,1-8.12-14
Historical Lection: 2Sam 7,1-19
Threni: Job 30,1.9-10.12-13.16
Apostle: 1Jn 2,18-29
Gospel: Jn 10,22-42
Laudes: Ps 70,23a.22a 

Feria V in quinta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 37,20-30
Historical Lection: 2Sam 9,1-13
Psallendum: Ps 7,7b-8a.10a
Apostle: 1Jn 3,1-17
Gospel: Jn 12,20-28
Laudes: Ps 102,1-2 

Feria VI in quinta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 44,1;46,16-23
Historical Lection: 2Sam 24,2-15
Threni: Jer 11,18-20;18,23
Apostle: 1Jn 3,18-24
Gospel: Jn 12,29-36
Laudes: Ps 103,33-34 

Sabbatum in quinta hebdomada Quadragesimæ 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 44,1-15
Historical Lection: 1K 2,1-11
Psallendum: Ps 33,23.20
Apostle: 1Jn 4,1-6
Gospel: Jn 12,37-50
Laudes: Ps 112,1-2 


In Dominico in ramis palmarium 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 3,2-17
Historical Lection: Dt 11,18-32
Psallendum: Ps 33,12.2-
Apostle: Gál 1,3-12
Gospel: Jn 11,55-12,13 
Laudes: (first year) Ps 135,1-2
(second year) Ps 145,1b-2a 

Feria II in hebdomada maiore 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 3,18-24
Historical Lection: 2K 2,1-14
Psallendum: Ps 139,9b.2-3
Apostle: 1Jn 4,7-16
Gospel: Jn 7,43-8,2
Laudes: Ps 117,14.13 

Feria III in hebdomada maiore 

Sapiential Lesson: Si 18,1-12
Historical Lection: 2K 4,8-37
Psallendum: Ps 108,24-26.22.31
Apostle: 1Jn 4,16-5,4
Gospel: Jn 8,12-20
Laudes: Ps 118,121.122 

Feria IV in hebdomada maiore

Sapiential Lesson: Si 46,6-21
Historical Lection: 2K 5,1-14
Threni: Lam 1,12;4,11-13;1,16; Jer 9,18; Lam 1,22
Apostle: 1Jn 5,5-15
Gospel: Mt 26,2-16
Laudes: Ps 17,2b-3a 

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