Saturday, January 17, 2009

Natural and Supernatural Goods

In the natural realm, my Dad's pleased he's just sold his car for a good sum, and my sister's happy since she's just bought a new house - please pray that she sells her old one!

(It's probably also a natural good that I've resumed gym membership, and having worked out now feel muscles I didn't know I had...)

In the supernatural realm,  I'm glad since I've been to confession this morning, as is my custom now on Saturdays, and feel much the better for it - though I still need to work on my short temper, which let me down as soon as I came home.

Another supernatural good to be celebrated to the glory of God is the graced sanctity of St Anthony the Great, that famous father of monks, about whom I blogged last year...


  1. That's one of the things I've started to miss in the years since I sold my car: my gym membership. Pray the weather improves soon so I can resume my long walks and get back in shape (winter flab)...

  2. Well, that's why I'm glad I've got a car, and have been taking long walks...

    What's the weather like?

  3. rain, snow, etc.... not very nice at all!

  4. Sorry, I found out yesterday that my father passed away a few weeks ago. Despite not seeing him for years, this has been an awful shock...

    (feel free to delete this if you like, by the way)
