Sunday, January 18, 2009

8th Wonder

On Sunday, the Lord's day, we ought contemplate the magnalia Dei - what great works God hath wrought.

For this reason (amongst others), I paid a visit to that marvel of Van Diemen's Land, the Kimberley Warm Springs - which at 24-25°C may be said to be the last gasp (quite literally) of the vulcanism that has down the ages left its mark all down the Eastern seaboard of Australia, in such relics of past eruptions as the Glasshouse Mountains and lava tubes in Queensland, Mt Gambier with its associated blue lake in South Australia, and mysterious Hanging Rock in Victoria.

Behold the elegant porticos erected for the comfort of weary pilgrims!

For some reason, these springs are not widely known, nor frequented...

... despite the attractive if unusually labelled facilities (note signage to the right).

Their curative properties are legendary, it seems.

I'm afraid my very amateurish action shot does not sufficiently illustrate the roiling cauldron of bubbling sand that lies in the very depths of these springs...

...nor can the lens capture (thankfully), the rather pungent odour (note the pond scum, and see if you can spot the flies hovering).

Those still curious may consult its official entry (and status) in the Australian Heritage Database.

I gave thanks as I departed, once more, the Warm Springs at Kimberley.

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