Thursday, December 18, 2008

Travel Plans

Since I'll be en route all too soon, I've scheduled posts about the O Antiphons to appear bright and early each morning from to-morrow until the 23rd inst.  

For those interested to know, since I won't have a chance to post much for the coming few days, Deo volente, I will arrive in Adelaide to-morrow afternoon at 4.55pm (please, no mobbing me at the airport), in plenty of time to attend the joint ordination of Rev Br Mannes to the priesthood and Br Vicent to the diaconate at St Francis Xavier Cathedral at 6pm on Saturday.  Come Sunday, I'll be at Holy Rosary Church for Fr Mannes' first Mass at 10am.  Ad multos annos!

Hopefully I will catch up with some of the nice (Tr)Adelaide people I know from WYD and previous visits to the City of Churches, through Br Mannes in fact - and it will be nice to meet his parents again, it's been years since I saw them last.  My short visit to Adelaide will also encompass - you guessed it - serving Mass for a certain priest who is also attending this Dominican extravaganza: having known Mannes for years, he's looking forward to seeing him made a priest.  Then on Monday afternoon and evening I'll fly on to Launceston via Melbourne, arriving back in Tasmania at 10.05pm; though based on past experience, I wouldn't be surprised if the flight be delayed...


  1. Hope to see you in Adelaide Joshua!

    Terra too is about to make the journey in that direction, I'm just about to hop in the car for a long, long drive (and will hopefully arrive only a few hours after you unless the traffic is such as to make me decide to stop the night somewhere)!
