Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Lady's Expectation

To-day, arriving at the end of the Gospel (which was Missus est, the Annunciation), I heard Mass of the Expectation of Our Lady, which is basically the Advent Rorate Mass from her Common.  In Spain of old, this was called the feast of la Virgen de la O - not in reference to the O Antiphons, as one might surmise, but instead because of a curious rite whereby at Vespers in the Church of Toledo a long and loud Oooooooooooo was sung, expressing the longing of all Creation for the Advent of the long-expected Saviour!

And here are some details concerning Sancta Maria de la O from Leslie's annotations of the Missale Mixtum:

In the Mozarabic Rite, this day, the 18th of December, is the preëminent feast of Our Lady, and is called simply "The Day of St Mary" - The Day, be it noted.  Here is a link to the Latin (with Spanish version) of the Proper Mass, over at La Ermita.

In any case, we are but a week away from Christmas, and so Our Lady is pictured in hope and expectation of her imminent delivery of Christ our Lord: she is therefore intituled Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza o de la Expectación.

After Mass there was again a Holy Hour with Exposition and Stations of the Holy Infant Jesus - but while the latter devotion was in progress I instead read Matins and Lauds.  After Benediction, having prayed Prime and Terce, I went to Confession, and then prayed Sext.  Next,having returned to Fr Rowe his kneeler that I'd borrowed from him last year, we went and had a spot of lunch...

This afternoon, I delivered my portable air-conditioner as a Christmas gift to a dear relative of mine, and then dropped my car off at the depot so it can be transported back to Tasmania for me: apparently it will get to Melbourne in eight to ten days, then be shipped across Bass Strait, so I should get it by New Year.

To-morrow, there is Mass at the Pro. at 8.30am for the Ember Friday, and then off to the airport for a 12.35pm departure.  Farewell, Perth!

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