Sunday, September 7, 2008

Toodyay Retreat

Come one, come all!

Fr Rowe is again running his annual Ignatian Retreat at Toodyay.

Toodyay is a small, historic town (population 634; established 1833) some 85km northeast of Perth (about an hour's drive).  The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have established themselves there in a priory next to St John the Baptist Catholic Church, and allow groups to use that church, and the old convent building there, for retreats.

The retreat begins on the afternoon of Sunday the 5th of October (arrive by 5pm; Mass will be at 6.30pm, opening the retreat) and ends on Friday the 10th (Benediction at 1pm to end the retreat, then lunch at the historic Cola Cafe and departure by 3.30pm).  Cost for meals, accommodation and so on: $210 (the retreat itself is free).

Each day, there will be Holy Mass in the Traditional Latin rite, Holy Hour and Benediction, Rosary, a spiritual Conference, and (optional) recitation of the Hours of the Office in English from an approved short Breviary for the laity; also daily Confession and spiritual direction will be available. 

There is plenty of free time in the programme for reflection and meditation, following the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.

The Retreat will be in complete silence at all times: "no walkmans, radios or mobile phones, etc. are to be brought along".


If you are, please contact Fr Michael Rowe on (08) 9444 9604 or email

A Prayer for Those Making a Spiritual Retreat

Lord Jesus, Who, in order to form Thy Apostles, drew them to the mountain solitude and within the walls of the Cenacle: inspire all souls today who wish to serve Thee with fidelity and zeal, with a desire for the closed retreat, so dear to Thy Heart and to that of Thy Vicar on earth.

Our Lady of the Cenacle, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost, and Universal Mediatrix of His gifts, grant to all those making a retreat pure faith, charitable zeal, and holiness of life.  Amen.

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