Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pontifical Missa Cantata

Oh, I almost forgot to mention: Fr Rowe had been confronted with a problem - today he was to say Mass at Kelmscott as usual, then continue on to Bunbury for his monthly Mass there.  However, owing to a parish function at Kelmscott, the Mass there had to be postponed till 4pm, which would not leave him enough time to drive down to Bunbury, about 200km away.

Now, here in Perth there are very few priests willing and able to celebrate the Latin Mass, which presented Fr with a problem.

Luckily, the Archbishop himself was agreeable to do the Mass (just as he has for some weekday Low Masses at the Pro. over time), and even offered to sing it.  Given the dearth of available clergy - liturgical nit-pickers, beware criticizing! - he will be celebrating a Missa Cantata, with no other ministers apart from the well-trained servers.

Kudos to His Grace, Barry James Hickey.  Fr Rowe has been encouraging as many as possible to go so as to show their support, and given the smaller than usual numbers at Mass this morning, I hope for a good turn-out.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Joshua,

    Been reading your blogs every now and then, they keep us well informed, particularly glad to hear about Peter in the Carmelite Monastery.

    Yesterday's Pontifical High Mass at Kelmscott was splendid, over 100 people showed us from all over the place and it was just magnificent. The turnout was great for the time and the fact it was Father's Day.

    We were all very glad to have the Archbishop say Mass, particularly as if we couldn't find a priest our pp was going to cancel the whole Mass. All because they had a bouncy castle and secular music concert going on in the church grounds, supposedly celebrating Our Lady's birthday.

    Hope you are well.
