Sunday, July 13, 2008

Patrons of World Youth Day, Orate pro Nobis

The Sydney WYD website has some happy potted biographies of the ten heavenly Patrons chosen for this great event, to which I link below:

Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Help of Christians;
St Peter Chanel, Marist Priest and Protomartyr of Oceania;
Bl Peter To Rot, Husband and Father, Catechist and Martyr;
Servant of God John Paul II, Pope;
Bl Pier Giorgio Frassati, Layman and Dominican Tertiary;
St Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr;
St Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, Rose of Lisieux, Carmelite, Religious, Virgin and Doctor of the Church;
St Faustina Kowalska, Sister of Our Lady of Mercy, Religious and Virgin;
Bl Mary MacKillop, Josephite, Religious and Virgin;
Bl Teresa of Calcutta, Missionary of Charity, Religious and Virgin.

From the WYD website come these extracts:

Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Help of Christians - pray for us

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, witness to trust and simplicity - pray for us

Saint Faustina, witness to God's mercy and compassion - pray for us

Saint Maria Goretti, witness to chastity and forgiveness - pray for us

Saint Peter Chanel, Pacific witness to the faith unto death - pray for us

Blessed Peter To Rot, witness to family and faith - pray for us

Blessed Mary MacKillop, witness to the young and the distant - pray for us

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, witness to justice and charity - pray for us

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, witness to the poor and the dying - pray for us

Servant of God, John Paul II, father of World Youth Day - pray for us


"God first entered the world through Mary, who is 'full of grace' (Luke 1:28), when Jesus was born, and Jesus performed his first public miracle at her prodding. She was centrally present when the Spirit was poured out upon the nascent Church at Pentecost, fulfilling the promise 'you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses' (Acts 1:8). She teaches us how to allow God to be poured out upon the world through us, to 'magnify' Him (c.f. Luke 1:46-55), so that He can be seen, known, loved and worshipped. WYD08 pilgrims can consecrate themselves to her with John Paul II's words 'all yours', so that God may more freely transform each one of us and the world with his saving power."

"St Thérèse is a wonderful role model for young people because she shows that holiness, which is unique for each person has at its heart simple acts of charity and trust. She affirms that "only love counts". WYD08 pilgrims can ask her intercession for the grace to surrender to the Providence of God, relying on His Power in their 'smallness'."

"St Faustina's life shows WYD08 pilgrims how to exercise the Spirit's gift of knowledge, faithfully placing the message of Divine Mercy at the service of all humanity. WYD08 pilgrims can ask her for the grace to be able to pray sincerely the words 'Jesus I Trust in You' You may specifically pray to know that Jesus' forgiveness will free you from the burden of your sins and guilt, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

"Though only young, St Maria Goretti exhibited the gifts of right judgement and fear of the Lord. WYD08 pilgrims can pray to this young girl for the grace to live modestly, with pure affection and love in your relationships."

"St Peter Chanel exemplifies a life of the Spirit's gifts of courage and fruit of kindness required of all young people, but especially young priests. As you have come with the power of the Holy Spirit as witnesses to Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, you can pray for zeal and wisdom to play your part in the new evangelisation."

"Blessed Peter To Rot is a great witness WYD08 pilgrims of the spiritual fruit of generosity to spread the Gospel through teaching and prayer. Through the Holy Spirit's gifts of understanding and reverence, Blessed Peter's life and death call you to honour the holiness of sacramental marriage between one man and one woman."

"Blessed Mary MacKillop's life is filled with evidence of openness to the Holy Spirit, exercising the fruits of goodness, charity and self control in the face of many obstacles. You can ask her to pray for the grace to receive and respond to the power of God's holiness in the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit."

"Blessed Pier Giorgio's dynamism and sense of adventure and fun attracted many people to him and to Jesus Christ, by Pier's faith. He showed that a life of charity in the service of justice can be lived in joy and peace. WYD08 pilgrims can pray to him for them to discover their vocation in Christ."

"Blessed Teresa of Calcutta was not only a Missionary of Charity nun, but simply a missionary of charity, the fire of Christ's charity. She lived this while also patiently enduring a very long trial of faith. WYD08 pilgrims can ask her for eyes to see Jesus in each person, to protect the dignity of each person from conception to natural death."

"Servant of God John Paul II's life is wonderful example for all young people on whom he counted; his message to them remains 'Do not be afraid'. He was able to inspire hope in human hearts having been through the crucible of darkness and death, yet still flourishing. He teaches us how to repay good for evil, how to choose life. WYD08 pilgrims can confidently come to him and ask him to be able to know the truth, and through this to be set free."

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