Sunday, July 13, 2008

His Holiness Has Arrived - and Gone on Retreat

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, successor of St Peter, has come among us to strengthen his brethren (cf. St Luke xxii, 32), all faithful Christians. Australia Incognita has some nice photographs of his arrival, with commentary; Latin Mass Melbourne - lately FSSP, now diocesan (I can now reveal that Fr Tattersall told me about this at Dr Tracey Rowland's booklaunch in Melbourne back in late April, but I had to keep mum till it became public) - asks us all to pray for the Holy Father during these days here, as is most fitting. He by now should be ensconced at the Opus Dei retreat centre where he will recreate until his official entry into Sydney on Thursday, which, God willing, I shall see with my own eyes. Fr Rowe, who has stayed on retreat at the same centre, tells me that the beds are very hard!

Here are my own, slightly longer, prayers for the happy estate and long life of His Holiness:


Aña. Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram ædificabo Ecclesiam meam: et portæ inferi non prævalebunt adversus eam: et tibi dabo claves regni cælorum. (T.P. Alleluia.) (Mt 16:18a)
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison.
Pater noster…
V/. Oremus pro beatissimo Papa nostro Benedicto, (ut Deus et Dominus noster, qui elegit eum in ordine episcopatus, salvum atque incolumem custodiat Ecclesiæ suæ sanctæ, ad regendum populum sanctum Dei).
R/. Dominus conservet eum, et vivificet eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum ejus. (Ps 40(41):3)
V/. Fiat manus tua super virum dexteræ tuæ.
R/. Et super filium hominis quem confirmasti tibi. (Ps 79(80):18)


Deus, omnium fidelium pastor et rector, famulum tuum Benedictum, quem pastorem Ecclesiæ tuæ præësse voluisti, propitius respice: da ei, quæsumus, verbo et exemplo, quibus præëst, proficere; ut ad vitam, una cum grege sibi credito, perveniat sempiternam.
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui facis mirabilia magna solus, prætende super famulum tuum Benedictum Papam nostrum, et super cunctas congregationes illi commissas, spiritum gratiæ salutaris: et ut in veritate tibi complaceant, perpetuum eis rorem tuæ benedictionis infunde.
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, miserere famulo tuo Pontifici nostro Benedicto, et dirige eum secundum tuam clementiam in viam salutis æternæ: ut, te donante, tibi placita cupiat et tota virtute perficiat. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
R/. Amen.

Ant. You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it; and to you I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven. (T.P. Alleluia.) (Mt 16:18a)
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Our Father…
V/. Let us pray for our most blessed Pope Benedict, (that our God and Lord, who chose him for the order of the episcopacy, may preserve him in health and safety for the good of his holy Church, to govern the holy people of God).
R/. The Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies. (Ps 40(41):3)
V/. May your hand be on the man you have chosen.
R/. The man you have given your strength. (Ps 79(80):18)

Let us pray.

O God, the shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, look down favourably upon your servant Benedict, whom you have been pleased to appoint pastor of your Church; grant, we beseech you, that he may benefit by word and example those over whom he is set, and thus, together with the flock committed to his care, attain unto life eternal.
Almighty everlasting God, who alone work great wonders, send down upon your servant Benedict our Pope, and upon all the congregations committed to his charge, the spirit of your saving grace; and that they may truly please you, pour upon them the continual dew of your blessing.
Almighty, everlasting God, have mercy on your servant, our Pope Benedict, and guide him according to your clemency along the path of eternal salvation, so that by your gift he may desire those things that are pleasing to you and with all his strength accomplish them. Through Christ our Lord. R/. Amen.


  1. Yeah, what has happened to the FSSP in Oz?

  2. Don't blow things out of proportion, Mark - for perfectly sensible reasons, the two FSSP priests based in Melbourne asked to be incardinated in that Archdiocese, and to be made Latin Mass Chaplains there, continuing their old work under a new title. As I understand it, this was an amicable separation without prejudice to the rest of the Southern Cross district of the Fraternity.

  3. Thanks, Joshua!

    Don't misinterpret me! :) I didn't mean it in that way...

    all I meant is that I had absolutely no information about the FSSP in Australia, and was confused as to what was happening.
