Friday, April 18, 2008

Short Shrift

As is my wont, I made a quick confession just now at St Francis, in preparation for my flight back to Perth early tomorrow. To my surprise (having forgotten the times) I ended up hearing Mass, as well, while waiting - and, lo!, it was quite bearable, the priest even wearing a chasuble, and varying only a few acceptably variable phrases; even that Swiss E.P. didn't bother me, I listened carefully and agreed with the whole thing: I must be growing soft.

Yesterday I had the joy of seeing Br Luke at Tarrawarra Abbey - he's another old friend, who entered the Cistercians of the Strict Observance there on Ash Wednesday 2005, and pronounced his first vows (for three years) on his feast day last October. He tells me that, thanks be, he finds each day he feels more and more suited to his monastic life, if that's the right phrase; he asked me to pray for him and his brethren, and I certainly shall, as I know he will pray for me.

Must dash - a few tasks still to do, after having bought some more books... Tonight, a farewell for a friend, a gathering of Catholic bloggers, and Dr Tracey Rowland's booklaunch.

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