Saturday, April 19, 2008

Blogger Meeting, Dr Tracey's New Book, Moonlight Pre-dawn

Yesterday, my last day in fair Melbourne, I met with the inestimable David Schutz, and various Catholic bloggers - Athanasius, Jeff Tan, et al. - plus Fraser Pearce, a Lutheran friend of David's who blogs at Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum...

After farewelling my old friend Monica (Miss Monification), who's off to London to do fundraising for the restoration of St Patrick's, Soho, I went to my former mentor and lecturer and employer's booklaunch - for His Lordship Bp Elliott, in presence of His Grace Abp Hart, many of the reverend clergy incl. Frs Tattersall and McDaniel, and many many of the faithful in Christ, very wittily and kindly launched her volume: Ratzinger's Faith: The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI. Stuart, her husband, was so proud he got tonguetied: although he did later remind me (coming back to his senses) that I owe him a boozy lunch! Dr Rowland was struggling through a cold, but spoke beautifully and very kindly signed the copy I'd just bought of her book.

And so to this pre-morning... arising at 3.30am, like a monk, I am by now at the airport, with 10 minutes before boarding, and Office of Readings said and done, Deo gratias; the Itinerarium et al. comes next. It was lovely to see the almost full moon shining yellowish in the black black sky, riding not so high up as to glimmer white.

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