Monday, April 21, 2008

Roadtrip! - Part III

I started back from Bunbury, chauffeuring a priest carrying the Bl Sacrament...

After driving hard, and saying a Rosary, plus listening to the 3rd Lesson of Matins and praying the ensuing Te Deum, all the while by these and other unspoken prayers trying to keep recollected and prayerful in presence of the Sanctissimum Fr was carrying on his person, we reached Mandurah at half-past one, and Fr brought the Sacrament to the shut-in that he visits there. It was good to waste a little time, watching a cat wandering about the adjoining units and admiring the gardens.

The weather, since my return West, has been refreshingly cool, with sunshine between occasional showers, just how I like it.

Anyhow, after the visit, Fr and I then stopped off for a late sandwich and cuppa at Gerald's house, together with two of Fr's far-flung parishioners who happened by. It was about three o'clock by the time we drove on via Pinjarra and the SW Hwy, going back the way we came.

Just before 4pm, we stopped off at the Schoenstatt Shrine to pay a visit. Fr caught up on his Breviary, and I prayed my Novena prayers for what turned out to be the 10th day! So that makes a fitting end to my petition to Our Lady, who is venerated so specially at that quiet peaceful prayerful shrine. We then followed the Albany Hwy into Perth, and I deposited Fr Rowe at the Pro-Cathedral at about 5.20pm, leaving him there to set up for his 6.30pm Mass. After quietly praying the Litany of St Philip Neri and Vespers in the church, I finally turned for home.

My housemates and I have just had dinner, and I think it's time to turn in for the night. A very good but tiring addendum to my holiday this overnight foray has been.

P.S. This was my fourth such ferrying of Fr Rowe back and forth to Bunbury; I first did this in late October and late November 2007, before I began blogging, and before Fr had the Kelmscott Mass.


  1. Glad to see traditional reverence for that Holy of Holies is still alive and well! :)

  2. Ahh yes, I have done a holy hour in the car with Father before.
    Very good!
