Monday, April 21, 2008

Roadtrip! - Part II

I take up the tale from our arrival in Bunbury...

BTW, the reason Fr Rowe had to get me to drive him to Bunbury was that he had planned to fly down in a light aircraft, but this had had to be cancelled at short notice owing to a severe storm warning (which turned out not to eventuate). Strange but true.

Anyhow, I finished reading through the Sternbeck Missalette, which has very useful and informative instructions on the liturgy and its parts, albeit it with some rather eccentric translations, and I used it to assist at my third Mass of the Sunday, at St Thomas' Church, Carey Park, Bunbury. It is a very humble shedlike building! There were 40 or so present, including four altar boys to serve the Low Mass.

After Mass and a cuppa afterward, Fr Rowe, myself, Pete and Tom his brother, plus Gerard (Pete and Gerard being two of the servers), went off to have dinner at a rather good Indian restaurant. I brought in a bottle of plonk, but the place turned out to not be BYO, so I put it by the partition; when Fr reminded me not to forget it, everyone broke up in hysterics when I said rather heatedly, "Certainly not, it cost me EIGHT dollars!" Oh well.

Some good friends very kindly gave us lodgings for the night, and Monday started off at a nice reasonable hour with Low Mass at 9am, for the feast of St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Some 30 people attended, including lots of kids with their families. (I prepared for Mass with Office of Readings and Lauds, and gave thanks afterward with Terce.) Then followed a cuppa, and after that Fr and I went over to the Castieau family home, for brunch around 11am: sausages, eggs, bacon, maple syrup, bread, toast, pancakes, orange juice, pineapple juice, and tea... what a blow-out!

Just after noon, we collected the Blessed Sacrament from the church, where Fr had left his pyx, and we set off for home via Mandurah at 12.19pm.

To be continued...

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